Playing in Nana and Poppy's room

Sarina and I got a lot of good quality cousin time- here we are enjoying the views from Nana and Poppy's bedroom.

And here we are running around the deck- one of our favorite activities.

But we can't forget riding Leo!

Or going for bike rides!

Loved beach time, but loved it best early in the morning when no one was there and the sun wasn't out.

The boat launch was part of our daily routine. Uncle Bryan and Dad caught crabs and snails for us.

I was just supposed to be washing my hands...

And we got to see Cousin Paige and Bennett!!!

And Vivian and Lila and their new puppy, George!

Nana took us to forts in Jamestown where we saw lots of boats and caves.

Phew, we need a break after all that walking!

Just chillin' after clamming at the salt pond.

Oh, Poppy, you're hilarious!
What a fun week we had! We saw so many friends and family. Can't wait for August Rhode Island vacation...
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