Matt's first summer as Mr. Mom went off without a hitch! No one got hurt!!! They spent a lot of time taking walks, swinging at the park, listening to music, speaking and reading Spanish and appreciating their time together.
Avery has grown so much these past months- it is amazing and beautiful to watch. Quite humbling, in fact, watching such a young mind grow and develop. She is creeping around on her stomach and doesn't stand for staying still for very long. Her newest thing is walking around while holding our hands- yikes! Our living room is strewn with bright, plastic toys made in China that I swore would never enter our home and dinner conversations revolve around napping strategies and eventful diaper changes.
Traveling with Avery was more delightful than we imagined it could be. She did great on the plane, in the car, in her tent (aka crib) and meeting new people. Our little travel buddy- I wonder where we will go next...
Day care lies ahead in the next weeks. It will likely be harder for us than it will be for Avery. She loves other kids and I am confident that it will be a great experience for her; nonetheless, I hate everything about it. I know, I know- it will be fine.
Finally, at the risk of sounding like a Hallmark card, it is truly awesome to understand the love of a parent. It will be many years before Avery understands what it's like to be a parent, but I am sure she will reflect as warmly and respectfully as we do now about all our parents have done for us.
To what lies ahead!!! Love, Steph and Matt

Hey guys how are you? I am loving seeing the all the pictures of your baby girl.
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