Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Baby Island- Lake Pocotopaug

Here I am on the way over to the island. I look pretty uncomfortable, huh? Safety first!

Hanging out with Senia and Zoe.

Mommy and me.

My favorite new napping spot- lakeside.

New toy!!!
Baby hammock!

Baby circle!
The gang.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I can do new tricks!

Here I am practicing rolling over from my belly to back! I'm not one to pat my own back, but I got a couple rolls under my belt. I am a pro at hand-eating and I am fine tuning the old reach and grab.

And here I am doing my best trick of all: looking cute.

Cousin Picnic (Groton, CT)!

It was sunny. It was chilly. It was windy. We were cranky. But our parents had a blast!!!


Friday, April 17, 2009

My new toy- I love it. I hate it. I want to eat it.

Enjoying the nice weather...

My new favorite thing is to stand...with a little help of course!

Road trip to Vermont!

Last Friday we went to visit our friends Josh and Catherine in Bennington. We hiked around this very cool mansion on the campus of the University of Southern Vermont. Avery did not like her moby wrap so dad had to carry her.

Then we went up to Burlington to see Uncle David Saturday through Monday. We had a ton of fun and David cooked us good meals as always! It even snowed on Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hike at Wintergreen Lake

Easter Bunny Brunch at Brooksvale Park!


This was quite a few weeks ago in my bumbo.

I'm becoming quite the chatterbox!!!

My swing is growing on me.